Solution to “The drive where Windows is installed is locked” (UEFI mode)

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Solution to “The drive where Windows is installed is locked” (UEFI mode)
Solution to “The drive where Windows is installed is locked” (UEFI mode)
Musical piece: “Trips” by Topher Mohr and Alex Elena

A simple video showing how to fix /"The drive where Windows is installed is locked" or /"A required drive partition is missing/" or /"The requested system device cannot be found/" when Windows is installed in UEFI Fashion.

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[List of standard responses]
Please watch my video with annotations enabled. You need to shrink an existing Windows partition to create space to create an EFI partition. Example:

So that I can help you, please share the results of the commands:
disc part
list disk
salt disk 0
flight list
partition the list
Take a photo of the result using your smartphone/camera, upload it to and share the link.

For the RAW guys:
Your C: is displayed in RAW format. It must be displayed in NTFS format. Somehow you seem to have messed up your partition filesystem. Type the command:
chkdsk /f /r C:
If you get the error saying /"chkdsk not allowed for RAW…/

Please take the opportunity to connect and share this video with your friends and family if you find it useful.

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