Some apps don't appear in Start menu search results

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Some apps don't appear in Start menu search results
Some apps don't appear in Start menu search results
• Fixed the problem by deleting the LocalState folder inside:
and restart the system (or log out/log in to access)

I've had this problem for almost six months.
I searched online and found a possible solution but with Cortana.
Now, I don't use Cortana, so I tried searching for a folder, but since I disabled Cortana on my system, the folder doesn't exist.
I tried:
• Reconstructed index
• Entered safe mode to rebuild the index
• Rebuilt swap file
• SFC and DISM – all passed
• Manually create a shortcut to C://Users//{USERNAME}//AppData//Roaming//Microsoft//Windows//Start Menu//Programs.
This one worked but I didn't want to do it for every missing app.

What I did to finally resolve the issue:
1. I searched for this in regedit:

Microsoft//Windows//Current version//Search//

2. Inside you will see:
• CurrentConstraintIndexCabPath
• Last folderConstraintIndex

These two elements will lead you to:

3. Delete or move LocalState to another folder and wait for it to reappear. It will take 1-5 seconds, it may depend on your storage speed.

4. Finally, try searching for any of the missing apps. Otherwise, restarting your device should resolve the issue.

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