Stop Auto Logout Websites in Browser Due to Inactivity Prevent Auto Logout Websites in Browser

HomeOther ContentStop Auto Logout Websites in Browser Due to Inactivity Prevent Auto Logout Websites in Browser
Stop Auto Logout Websites in Browser Due to Inactivity Prevent Auto Logout Websites in Browser
Stop auto logout websites in browser due to inactivity Prevent auto logout websites in browser
#autologout #websites #webapplication #sessiontimeout

When you leave your website idle and start using other apps in other tabs, your login session times out and returns you to the login page.

Here is the solution to avoid this. Use this code in the Java script console to reload the page after the required time. Use your application URL instead of localhost phpmyadmin.


timerz setInterval(function(){windowz.location.href/"http://localhost/phpmyadmin/"},10*60*1000);

stop auto logout websites
prevent automatic session expiration for a website
prevent inactivity logout
prevent automatic disconnection
prevent automatic disconnection
Stop automatic browser logout
browser disconnection problem
javascript console hack
Auto Logout Web Apps
Microsoft Edge logs out automatically
Chrome logs out automatically
Firefox logs out automatically
Google Chrome auto logout issue
Microsoft Edge Auto Logout Issue
Mozilla Firefox auto logout issue
Browser auto logout issue

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