STOP! Do this before erasing an iPhone to sell it

HomeOther ContentSTOP! Do this before erasing an iPhone to sell it
STOP! Do this before erasing an iPhone to sell it
STOP! Do this before erasing an iPhone to sell it
Most tutorials show you how to sign out of your iCloud account, delete your watch, or erase your data, but they all forget this ONE important thing that could permanently lock you out of your accounts.

If you care about your personal security and online privacy, download my free security checklist here:
Security Checklist:

What you should watch next

We have a lot of great content related to privacy and security here on the All Things Secured YouTube channel (although we admit we're a little biased). If you want to increase your online cybersecurity, here's what's next:

Change These 7 Facebook Privacy Settings NOW!

STOP using VPNs! (here's why):

Are spy apps safe?

Helps support everything secure (recommended services)
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Recommended password manager:

Recommended identity monitoring:

Recommended 2FA security key:

Recommended secure email:

Recommended VPN:

Before wiping your iPhone after purchase and transferring to a new device, be sure to verify that you have migrated all of your passcodes from the app you are using (Google Authenticator, Authy, Microsoft Authenticator or Yubico Authenticator).

#iphone #datasecurity #newiphone14

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