Stray [#12] – Control Room Walkthrough

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Stray [#12] – Control Room Walkthrough
Stray [#12] – Control Room Walkthrough
Part: Wandering
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When the subway arrives as your final destination, you will find yourself in a much better maintained subway station than Midtown. Devoted, personality-free companions continually sweep the floors next to advertisements for the safest city in the world.

Take the pristine staircase to a pristine landing platform with more robot helpers and follow it to the upper floor.

Here you will find a large living room, with a sealed door on the right and a robot assistant explaining that there has been a lockdown due to the containment procedure – only the control room can override such a decision.
Enter the control room

Head to the upper level here and return around the corner to find a door to the control room. It is sealed and indicates that only human personnel are allowed entry. You will have to work with B-12 to find a way in.

While facing the sealed door, look behind you to find one of the moving carts you can reprogram B-12 to follow you, and have it move to a panel to the left of the door. Tell him to stop there.

Make sure B-12 interacts with the red panel once more, and he will bring out the panel to the left of the door.

This will expose a bunch of cables, so get your claws ready and start scratching to destroy everything (if you've been diligently scratching things in each chapter, this will unlock the Territory achievement!).

Upon entering the control room, B-12 will discover his last major memory, and it will have an impact. Now more than ever, it is important to find a way to open up the city so that everyone in it can be free.

Be sure to look out the windows as you explore the large control room to see how far you've come on your little journey – but it's not over yet. Head to the back of the room to find a console with several screens – one of them flashing red.
Unlock the roof control station

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