Surface Tip: Convert Any Web App to a Windows 10 App

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Surface Tip: Convert Any Web App to a Windows 10 App
Surface Tip: Convert Any Web App to a Windows 10 App
In this video I show how to make any website or web application look and behave exactly like a Windows 10 application! It's super simple and only takes a few seconds. Follow the steps below:

1. Go to your favorite website or web app in Google Chrome
2. Open the Chrome menu by clicking on the three lines in the upper right corner of the browser
3. Select /"More tools/"
4. Under /"More tools/" Select /"Add to taskbar/"
5. In the pop-up window that opens, make sure to select "Open as window."
6. Click /"Add/"
7. Open your Start menu
8. If you have a full-screen Start menu, click the three lines in the upper left corner (otherwise skip to step 9)
9. Your added app should be in the /"recently added/" section.
10. Right-click to set your Start screen or pin your taskbar!
11. There you go, enjoy your brand new application!

For more information and other fun tips and tricks, check out my new website!

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