Switching from Kindle Paperwhite Signature to Kobo Libre Color – Do I regret it?

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Switching from Kindle Paperwhite Signature to Kobo Libre Color – Do I regret it?
Switching from Kindle Paperwhite Signature to Kobo Libre Color – Do I regret it?
I discuss my experience transitioning from the Kindle Paperwhite Signature to the new Kobo Libra Color.

I'm not a tech expert, and this is less of a review and more of a general discussion about my experience switching from Kindle to Kobo. I also talk about some of the worries I had before moving. There aren't many technical details about the devices because, as my channel title suggests, I'm an average reader and just wanted to talk about my daily use of this new device. I don't have the Kobo Stylus 2, so if you were hoping for more details on this, I'm sorry to disappoint.

I'm new to Booktube and hope to make videos in the future discussing everything from my favorite books to my love of e-readers and everything in between.

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