Take a Screenshot of a Drop-Down Menu – Windows Snipping Tool AND Snipping & Sketching

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Take a Screenshot of a Drop-Down Menu - Windows Snipping Tool AND Snipping & Sketching
Take a Screenshot of a Drop-Down Menu – Windows Snipping Tool AND Snipping & Sketching
TAKE A SCREENSHOT OF A DROP DOWN MENU WITH THE WINDOWS CAPTURE TOOL – SNIP & SKETCH PREVIEW // If you've ever had trouble getting a screenshot of a hover menu or window pop-up that disappears, this video shows you how to capture this screenshot using the Snipping tool in Windows. We also look at the different screenshot options with the Windows 10 Snip & Sketch tool. This technique (using delay) comes in handy when you are creating a presentation or quick reference guide and need to show your audience a snapshot of a menu or window that only appears when you hover or click on it (but disappears when you try to do so). get a screenshot).

**Be sure to watch my video on HOW TO CREATE A QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE and see an example of using this Snipping Tool feature: https://youtu.be/o6zqOTtqG_o
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TAGS: #WindowsSnippingTool, #SnipAndSketch, How to take a screenshot of a drop-down menu, How to take a screenshot of a drop-down menu, How to take a hover screenshot, How to clip a drop-down menu, Screenshot drop-down menu with Snipping Tool, Capture a drop-down menu, Take a screenshot of a drop-down menu, Create a screenshot of a pop-up window, Use the Snipping Tool of Windows to capture context menus, productivity tools, Sharon Smith HR, @SharonSmithHR

Creation of forms to fill out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?vYktZ3B-tyqs&listPLb80efKTbWuOe1LfFMNExEabkRkB5ehcv

Excel tutorials for HR: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?listPLb80efKTbWuNjHDGgNeuGrGwOvh4JQC90

Excel Quickies (approximately 2 minutes): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?listPLb80efKTbWuPI7fEWtroXHvJHhx5FnVMW

Word tutorials for HR: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?listPLb80efKTbWuMotoYEXBFMlB3PtsBlFn45

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