Taste the Tropics: 15 Brazilian Fruits You Can't Miss – Chef's Pencil

Taste the Tropics: 15 Brazilian Fruits You Can't Miss – Chef's Pencil

HomeCooking Tips, RecipesTaste the Tropics: 15 Brazilian Fruits You Can't Miss – Chef's Pencil

Brazil is a country rich in tropical and subtropical habitats including a significant portion of the Amazon rainforest. Its fertile soils nurture a wide variety of fruits that are cherished and enjoyed daily by Brazilians who may not fully realize how privileged it is to enjoy a fresh açaí bowl a cold cupuaçu juice or a jabuticaba picked straight from the tree.

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Discover the sweet and exotic fruits of Brazil: a delicious taste test!

Brazilians not only have the opportunity to enjoy native fruits but also a wide range of non-native varieties that thrive in Brazil’s favorable climate and fertile soil. These fruits have been cultivated for centuries and have developed unique Brazilian flavors. Any tourist who misses the chance to enjoy the diverse fruits this country has to offer is truly missing out.

Let's take a look at the tastiest and most popular Brazilian fruits.

A staple for many indigenous tribes both past and present cupuaçu is an exceptionally sour fruit native to the Amazon. Its intense flavor makes it difficult to eat raw.