Test Capcut with sound

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Test Capcut with sound
Test Capcut with sound
I'm playing around with CapCut Studio online to see how effective it is to use with my 10 year old unsupported Chromebook. This test used only audio and video resources provided by CapCut. I assume that as a user I have the right to use them since CapCut offers the possibility of publishing directly to YouTube.

I didn't want to share my YouTube account with CapCut, so I decided to download the video and upload it directly to YouTube. I did this for several reasons. The first one I already mentioned. But the second was to control the quality of the resulting video file.

I hope to go back and edit this video properly to tell a story. This composition was made as simply as possible in order to see if the result would be as expected. Now that I see that this is the case, I'm going to go back to it, add a few more elements and cut it to tell a proper story.

The second song from the film titled /"Gonna Bleach my Eyebrows/" by Alameda was the subject of a copyright strike. So it seems that CapCut's copyrights are not valid everywhere. I had to replace it with something provided by YouTube.

Please take the opportunity to connect and share this video with your friends and family if you find it useful.

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