The Clue Award-winning short film (10 min)

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The Clue Award-winning short film (10 min)
The Clue Award-winning short film (10 min)
A young girl who leads a very ordinary life one day finds a mysterious message inviting her to go on an adventure. She goes on a treasure hunt where she finds clues that lead her to different places, revealing a mystery that turns out to be different than expected.

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Noa Nathalie Pownall
Male Kendall Bryant Jr
Treasure Hunter 1 Fabiano Altamura
Treasure Hunter 2 Judie Feenstra
Treasure Hunter 3 Ebony Campbell
Treasure Hunter 4 Jordan Parrish

Writer and director Judie Feenstra
Co-producers Judie Feenstra and Kendall Bryant Jr
Cinematographer Kendall Bryant Jr.
Robyn Thornton, editor and script supervisor
Sound design Joe Creppell
On the sound of the set, Luke Van Mol
Arial Director of Photography, JD Hudson


The Clue has been selected to screen at several international film festivals and has won several awards.

San Francisco Frozen Film Festival 2016: Official Selection
Shortcutz Film Festival in Amsterdam 2016: official selection
San José International Short Film Festivals 2016: official selection
Shortz! 2016 Film Festival – Official selection
Firereel Film Festival 2016 – Best Student Film and People's Choice Best of Festival
IndieFEST Film 2016 – Merit Award: women filmmakers (student), actress: leading (student), cinematography (student)
Hollywood International Moving Pictures Film Festival – Recognition Award
Short, Tight and Loose Short Film Competition – Outstanding Excellence in Dramatic Short Films, Editing, Original Concept and Content/Message Delivery

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