The most annoying thing in Windows 11! Right-click on the Windows 10 legacy menu style menu.

HomeOther ContentThe most annoying thing in Windows 11! Right-click on the Windows 10 legacy menu style menu.
The most annoying thing in Windows 11! Right-click on the Windows 10 legacy menu style menu.
The most annoying thing in Windows 11! Right-click on the Windows 10 legacy menu style menu.
1. Right-click the Start button and choose Windows Terminal.
2. Copy the command below, paste it into the Windows Terminal window and press Enter.
reg.exe adds /"HKCU//Software//Classes//CLSID//{86ca1aa0-34aa-4e8b-a509-50c905bae2a2}//InprocServer32/" /f /ve
3. Restart File Explorer or your computer for the changes to take effect.
You would see the legacy right-click context menu by default.

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