The Quarry – Secret ending: Jacob told Emma the truth (Nobody's Fool Trophy / Achievement guide

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The Quarry - Secret ending: Jacob told Emma the truth (Nobody's Fool Trophy / Achievement guide
The Quarry – Secret ending: Jacob told Emma the truth (Nobody's Fool Trophy / Achievement guide
The Quarry Nobody's Fool Trophy Guide / Achievement Guide – Jacob told Emma the truth [Bronze]

You will automatically earn it on your first playthrough by following The Quarry (Everyone Survives) walkthrough:

For this, Emma must be infected in chapter 4 and Kaitlyn does not shoot her with silver bullets in chapter 8, Jacob must remain uninfected throughout the game, Ryan must kill the monster Chris in chapter 9 to lift the curse of Emma. Then Jacob and Emma reunite in chapter 10, choosing to be HONEST – REMORSE – APOLOGICAL during the dialogue.

STAGE 1: Chapter 4 – Emma is infected by the island monster, but not killed. On the island in Chapter 4 while playing as Emma, when you enter the treehouse upstairs, choose the following QTE: SEARCH THE BAG — USE THE TASER — DOWN — smash — Emma's arm gets bitten — RIGHT (Emma uses a Taser on the monster) — FAIL QTE (DON'T PRESS X) — Emma's leg gets bitten — UP — Emma s He escaped through the trap door but was bitten on the arm and leg.

STEP 2: Chapter 6 – Jacob must not be infected. In chapter 6 he encounters a monster on the island, earn all the QTEs here to avoid being bitten.
(Note: infecting Emma in chapter 6 by choosing /"RUN/" during the cutscene with 2 hunters is not enough to make her infected by chapter 8, it is important that you infected her in chapter 4)

STEP 3: Chapter 6 – With cutscene of Emma and 2 hunters, choose /"RUN/" — The monster bites Emma's leg (Note: It is required that Emma was also bitten in chapter 4 .If she is only bitten in chapter 6, she won't mutate into a monster by chapter 8).

STEP 4: Chapter 8 – Because you infected Emma, she will have transformed into a monster in the car parked in front of the lodge. When the group opens the car to find Monster Emma, choose SHOOT – SHOOT MONSTER EMMA BEFORE SHE KILLS ABI – SHOOT MONSTER EMMA ON THE ROOF OF THE CAR – REGULAR SHOT. You are NOT allowed to shoot Monster Emma with silver bullets, this will kill her and void the trophy. It's easy to miss shooting the monster when it's quickly running towards Abi, so it's best to save your save as soon as the /"Shoot/" choice presents itself. If Abi dies, it shouldn't matter to /"Nobody's Fool/

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