The smartphone of 2030 just arrived today…

HomeOther ContentThe smartphone of 2030 just arrived today…
The smartphone of 2030 just arrived today...
The smartphone of 2030 just arrived today…
There will be no camera bump in the future. Current RedMagic 9 Pro price here: I like gaming phones because they are usually the smartphones designed for gaming, like this RedMagic 9 Pro where we see new technologies and new designs really shine.

This RedMagic 9 Pro has a built-in RGB Turbo fan that spins at 22,000 RPM to cool the internal processor. It also has a headphone jack AND 80-watt charging AND an under-screen camera. (5th generation) And no camera bump on the back.

If this is what the future looks like, I’m all for it.

To win one of the 2 undamaged Red Magic 9 Pros in this video, simply leave any comment on this video – and I will choose 2 (two) random winners within the next 7 days. Winners will be notified publicly with a response to their comment from my verified YouTube channel.

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