Tips and tricks on your iPhone's Notes app! #ios

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Tips and tricks on your iPhone's Notes app! #ios
Tips and tricks on your iPhone's Notes app! #ios
Discover the hidden features of your Notes app!

First, create perfect basic shapes. Did you know that by keeping your finger on your screen after drawing a basic shape, you can make it perfect? Draw, hold and voilà! You can create perfect stars, squares, rectangles and more!

Second, customize your notes app with lines and grids before you scribble! Choose either a grid to write on or just lines for a more paper-like note. Now you can start drawing and memorize the first trick! Look at that perfect cloud shape!

Third, explore the option to add photos and lock your private notes. All you need to do is set a password! From now on, to open them, you will always need a password for the notes you have locked!

Amazing, right?

#iPhonetips #notes #shorts #features

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