Tips for stress-free accommodation at home! Reception tips

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Tips for stress-free accommodation at home! Reception tips
Tips for stress-free accommodation at home! Reception tips
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Are you starting to feel anxious about having people over weeks in advance? Struggling to clean like crazy and having trouble relaxing before people arrive? Is it difficult for you to be present with the guests because your mind races over every detail: is the food good enough, are they having fun…etc?

If so, I made this video for you!

I've always loved hosting, but that doesn't mean it always came naturally. I've dealt with a lot of hosting stress over the years and I really feel like I can now welcome guests from a place of presence of peace, whether the date has been on the calendar for months or they arrived unexpectedly.

I hope you enjoy these hosting tips and I would also love to know what tips you have implemented for stress-free hosting!

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