TOP 100 Low Spec PC Games (512MB VRAM / 1GB VRAM / Intel HD Graphics)

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TOP 100 Low Spec PC Games (512MB VRAM / 1GB VRAM / Intel HD Graphics)
TOP 100 Low Spec PC Games (512MB VRAM / 1GB VRAM / Intel HD Graphics)
Are you a gamer but have an underperforming PC on your hands? The titles on our list below range from relatively new games that run well on even modest systems to older titles that still hold up today. SUBSCRIBE for more content and hit the notification bell

If you are stuck with an old PC or laptop, you may not be able to play the latest gaming title like Far Cry 5 or Fortnite or Battlefield V. However, there is no need to get discouraged.

This list includes the best low-spec PC games from different genres like FPS, Open World, Fighting, Racing and many more that you can play on your old PC and laptop.

Game list: please watch the video
0:19, 0:30, 0:38, 0:51, 0:59, 1:05, 1:11, 1:17, 1:24, 1:29, 1:47, 2:00, 2: 05, 2:17, 2:26, 2:39, 2:47, 2:55, 3:09, 3:16, 3:30, 3:44, 3:51, 4:03, 4:10, 4:15, 4:15, 4:23, 4:23, 4:33, 4:44, 4:50, 4:57, 5:03, 5:10, 5:18, 5:25, 5: 34, 5:42, 5:48, 5:49, 6:03, 6:15, 6:22, 6:30, 6:36, 6:44, 6:50, 6:57, 7:04, 7:15, 7:21, 7:28, 7:39, 7:45, 7:55, 8:15 , 8:21, 8:25, 8:37, 8:42, 8:50, 8:57, 9:11, 9:22, 9:28, 9:41, 9:47, 9:54, 10:00, 10:11, 10:21, 10:28, 10:35, 10:41, 10:47, 10:55, 11:05, 11:13 19, 11:27 a.m., 11:34 a.m., 11:41 a.m., 11:51 a.m., 12:08 p.m., 12:15, 12:21, 12:33, 12:46, 12:52, 1:02 p.m., 1:10 p.m., 1:19 p.m., 1:35 p.m., 1:46 p.m., 1:52 p.m., 2:06 p.m., 2:14 p.m., 2:22 p.m., 2:30 p.m., 2:38 p.m., 2:46 p.m. h54, 3:02 p.m., 3:12 p.m., 3:25 p.m., 3:37 p.m., 3:47 p.m., 3:57 p.m., 4:06 p.m., 4:16 p.m., 4:26 p.m., 3:36 p.m., 4:47 p.m., 4:56 p.m. and keep in mind that these games are in no particular order.

GTA 5 is highly optimized for PC and runs without any graphics card, but at very low settings.

This mod is intended to help improve the
framerate for those with low-end PCs
have the following specifications..

Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.0 GHz or higher
GPU: Intel HD Graphics 2000, 2500, 3000,
4000, 4400, 4600, 5000, AMD Radeon HD
3000, 4000 and 6000 series as well as
Intel GMA x4500 or 4600MHD

GTA V for Super Low PCs

TOP 100 – Best games for low-end PC (64 MB / 128 MB / 256 MB VRAM)

I played 150 games on the lowest possible graphics

Be my friend, follow me everywhere!

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This is totally cool, people!

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