Top10 North Indian Foods

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Top10 North Indian Foods
Top10 North Indian Foods
The top 10 North Indian foods consist of vegetarian and non-vegetarian foods from different regions of North India. The main characteristics of North Indian foods are their thick, rich and delicious sauces and their extensive use of chili peppers, saffron, milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese (paneer), ghee and nuts. North Indian foods are heavy and elaborate and also make North Indian foods very tasty and enjoyable. North India is one of those regions where one cannot resist foods ranging from roadside snacks to main courses. It is difficult to select the top 10 popular North Indian foods from hundreds of verities of North Indian foods and dishes.
Nowadays, North Indian foods are very popular all over the world. Butter chicken has become one of the signature names in most Indian restaurants around the world. Butter chicken is one of the most popular North Indian foods. North Indian foods are also becoming very popular among people in other countries.
North India includes the provinces of Punjab and Sindh and the states of Jammu and Kashmir, Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Rajasthan, Uttarakhand, Delhi, Gujarat and west-central Uttar Pradesh. As you can imagine, with so many states packed into one region, the top 10 North Indian foods and its cuisine, recipes, spices and techniques can vary widely, resulting in hundreds of Totally different types and tastes of North Indian foods. It is difficult to select the top 10 foods of North India.

North Indian sauces are generally dairy-based. Mughal influence gave rise to meat-eating habits among many North Indians. North Indian flatbreads, mainly made from wheat flour, are the staple food of North India. Additionally, various flours are used to make different types of breads like Chapatis. rotis, Phulkas, Puris, naan and Kulchas.
North Indian foods consist of wheat and rice, which are the staple diet of most people in North India and their foods. Lentils (Daal), beans (Lobiya), Rajma and meat (mutton, lamp and chicken) also cover the bulk of North Indian foods. Beef and pork are mostly avoided. Green vegetables (Sabzi), leafy vegetables (Saag), Paneer and seafood such as shrimp (Jhinga) and fish (Machhari) are the main constituents of the regular diet of northern foods. India.

In this video, we present the 10 best and most popular dishes served in restaurants and homes across North India.
Please leave a comment if you liked and tasted any of these foods and also let us know if we missed any traditional North Indian dish from our list.

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