Turkey Porchetta Recipe

Turkey Porchetta Recipe

HomeCooking Tips, RecipesTurkey Porchetta Recipe

Behold! The Mighty Turchetta! Gentle and benevolent ruler of the banquet table beautiful in their judgment and abundant in their succulence.

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Channel Avatar Serious Eats2016-11-18 04:51:25 Thumbnail

The Food Lab: How to Make a Turkey Porchetta

Serious Eats / J. Kenji López-Alt

Behold! The mighty Turchetta! Monarch of the Thanksgiving roasts! Gentle and benevolent ruler of the feast table fair in her judgment and bountiful in her juiciness. If you have ever sat down on the third Thursday after the first Monday in November and could not think of a single thing to be thankful for I implore you to put one of these on your table this year. Simply put that problem of yours will disappear. This is not a roast to celebrate; this roast is a feast in itself.

"You've never eaten such a juicy turkey fillet."