Ubuntu 20.04 Remote Desktop Access from Windows 10 with xRDP

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Ubuntu 20.04 Remote Desktop Access from Windows 10 with xRDP
Ubuntu 20.04 Remote Desktop Access from Windows 10 with xRDP
This tutorial will take you step by step and show you how to install and then use the xRDP Remote Desktop software on Ubuntu 20.04 (but all Linux versions will be similar) so I can connect to it and use it from my main Windows 10. PC.

## Following the success of this channel, I created a new channel called /"Virt Tech/"
## which specializes in the related field of virtualization technology videos,
## specifically Virtualbox initially. It can be found here:
## https://www.youtube.com/@virt-tech
## Try it if the topic interests you.

Terminal commands:

# Update package list in repository index
# ————————————————-
sudo apt update

# Install the main xrdp package.
# He will bring all his dependencies
# ————————————————- —
sudo apt install xrdp

# Although xrdp is already started,
# make sure it is restarted if the machine restarts
# ——————————————-
sudo systemctl enable xrdp

# Open RDP port 3389 in the firewall
# —————————————-
sudo ufw allows from any port 3389 proto tcp

# show the IP address of the machine
# ———————————
IP adress

PLEASE NOTE: Since creating this video, I have found a few settings that noticeably speed up the responsiveness of these Ubuntu VPS videos. The video explaining what they are is only 4 minutes long and can be found here: https://cloudtechlinks.com/How-to-Speedup-Ubuntu

Video transcription:

Video: 0 – Final – Combined – The Result
Before showing you how to easily install XRDP and use it, I thought I would first show you the result.
So on the screen you can see my main Windows 10 PC, and the insert on the right side is the screen of my Ubuntu Linux PC, which I had to move into the garage.
[pause time ‘500ms’/]
However, I still want to use it, even if it is difficult to access. So I installed XRDP on it.
[pause time ‘1s’/]
Now, whenever I want to use it, I simply start the Remote Desktop Connection software that comes on all Windows PCs. If your primary PC is Linux, you can use tools like Reminna to do the same thing.
[pause time ‘2s’/]
Type in its IP address, which I'll show you how to get, and hit Connect.
[pause time ‘2s’/]
On the XRDP login screen, I simply use my Linux username and password to log in.
[pause time ‘2s’/]
The result is that I can work on either my Windows PC or my Ubuntu PC.
[pause time ‘1s’/]
So after the following introduction, I will show you how it was installed using just 4 short commands, all of which you will find in the YouTube comments section.

Video: 2 – Final – Install xRDP on Ubuntu 20.04
————————————————– —
On the screen you can see my Ubuntu PC, on which I displayed the 4 installation commands, and show me its IP address, command information. I copy each one into a terminal window.
[pause time ‘2s’/]
The last command displays the IP addresses assigned to this machine, which are identified by the INET prefix. Just ignore the IP address as that is just the machine's loopback address, not its correct IP address.
[pause time ‘2s’/]
Once finished, simply restart the Linux machine so we can ensure a clean boot.

Video: 3 – Finale – Combined – RDP use
To demonstrate how XRDP is used, on screen you can now see both my Windows PC and my Linux PC.
[pause time ‘2s’/]
If I stay logged in to my Linux PC, you will notice that when I log in and log in, from my main Windows PC, I am faced with just a black screen, because the username is already in use on the Linux PC.
[pause time ‘2s’/]
If I log out of the Linux machine and try to log back in, I should be successful.
[pause time ‘2s’/]
However it is showing me this error, please take note as I hope at some point you will get this too. This simply means that the username and password entered were not recognized. What probably happened, as happened to me, was a simple spelling mistake or I left caps lock on.
[pause time ‘2s’/]
Anyway, when I retype the username and password more carefully, it works.
[pause time ‘2s’/]
After, for example, starting a web browser, I don't log out of Ubuntu, but simply close the Windows Remote Connection window.
[pause time ‘2s’/]
now when I log in later I will be able to continue where I left off, just make sure any settings to lock the PC or clear the screen are turned off.
Once finished, I log out into Linux.

Please take the opportunity to connect and share this video with your friends and family if you find it useful.

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