UPDATE: Fixed Opera not being able to play videos on Linux media, unplayable issue, etc.

HomeOther ContentUPDATE: Fixed Opera not being able to play videos on Linux media, unplayable issue, etc.
UPDATE: Fixed Opera not being able to play videos on Linux media, unplayable issue, etc.
UPDATE: Fixed Opera not being able to play videos on Linux media, unplayable issue, etc.
Complete guide to fix Opera cannot play video (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube Live stream) on Linux like Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Elementary OS, Zorin and other popular Linux distributions.

Install Google Chrome without terminal

Fix Firefox YouTube Live Not Working

Ubuntu does not play videos (MP4, MKV)

Remove white corner on Firefox CSD

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So, in my test, Opera for Linux works pretty well for playing YouTube videos. No need to modify anything. It works immediately. Unfortunately, some websites don't show any videos at all.

Instagram just shows me a static image, Twitter says the media couldn't be played, Facebok apologizes, we're having trouble playing this video on a blurry image, and YouTube Live complains that your browser can't play this video message with an exclamation point. .

I actually shared this workaround back in February. That was about 9 or 10 months ago. Maybe I didn't explain it well, so there is a crucial part I missed. So, I'm really sorry about that.

As previously stated, installing Chrome ffmpeg extra codecs no longer works. You need the right libffmpeg to fix Opera Linux video problem. Mixing random versions may break some web pages with the following message:

/"The page crashed. Unfortunately, something caused this page to close. It could be an extension conflict or other reasons/"

Additionally, an incompatible library may prevent Opera from opening/launching. If you try to run the browser through Terminal, you will get an error, opera symbol search error undefined opera symbol av_stream_get_first_dts.

Here are some ways to find a compatible libffmpeg.so for Opera (you may need to extract it from a zip, tar.xz/gz/zst or deb file):
– https://1drv.ms/u/s!AhAFddP4jtR1gWou3XWpQbFILrFB?e3WcvzX
– https://github.com/iteufel/nwjs-ffmpeg-prebuilt/releases/
– https://repo.herecura.eu/herecura/x86_64/
– http://ftp.osuosl.org/pub/ubuntu/pool/universe/c/chromium-browser/
– https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywordschromium-codecs-ffmpeg-extra
– https://archlinux.org/packages/community/x86_64/opera-ffmpeg-codecs/
– http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/c/chromium-browser/

If you are sure you have the correct libffmpeg.so and it doesn't work, try another next major version. There was at least one case (Opera based on Chromium 81 requires libffmpeg.so 83) where this worked.

Remember that you will need to do this every time Opera is updated to a newer version of Chromium. Want to cry? Firefox and other free open source browsers are here to build on :p

I hope this video will help you get rid of video playing problem on Opera browser.

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