VAIL Cast Play audio from YouTube video app on Apple Airplay 2 iPhones

HomeOther ContentVAIL Cast Play audio from YouTube video app on Apple Airplay 2 iPhones
VAIL Cast Play audio from YouTube video app on Apple Airplay 2 iPhones
VAIL Cast Play audio from YouTube video app on Apple Airplay 2 iPhones Welcome to our tutorial on how to play audio from your YouTube iPhone app on your VAIL Cast. With this simple tutorial, you'll be enjoying high-quality audio from your favorite YouTube videos on your VAIL Cast in no time!

First, make sure you have the latest version of iOS and YouTube app installed on your iPhone. Once you've done that, open the YouTube app on your iPhone.

Next, select the broadcast icon at the top of the screen. This will bring up a menu / “Connect to a device /” at the bottom of the screen. From there, select /"Airplay and Bluetooth devices/".

The following menu on Apple Airplay 2 will display available VAIL streams. Select your VAIL Cast device, in this case, /"Living Room/".

Now just choose any video in the YouTube app and the audio part will play through your VAIL Cast. The video will continue to play on your iPhone, so you can enjoy the visuals while the audio plays through your VAIL Cast.

It's so simple! With these easy-to-follow instructions, you can enjoy high-quality audio from your iPhone's YouTube app to your VAIL Cast. So don't hesitate any longer and try it today!

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