Vegan Milky Way

Vegan Milky Way

HomeCooking Tips, RecipesVegan Milky Way

There was a point where my love for Milky Way surpassed my love for Snickers. I know – it was a big shock to me too.

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Channel Avatar Minimalist Baker2019-06-13 08:00:00 Thumbnail

5-Minute Vegan Golden Milk | Minimalist Bakery Recipes

Somehow I found room in my heart for another bar of chocolate. I guess if I had to admit my only fault it would be that I love…(candy) too much.

This recipe has been on my mind for a while. The tricky part was the nougat.

I already knew how to make a great date caramel (pats shoulder) and chocolate (pats other shoulder) but the perfect nougat had eluded me… until now.