VRR in action on the Samsung Q90T at 4k120hz HDR enabled with an RTX 3080.

HomeOther ContentVRR in action on the Samsung Q90T at 4k120hz HDR enabled with an RTX 3080.
VRR in action on the Samsung Q90T at 4k120hz HDR enabled with an RTX 3080.
VRR in action on the Samsung Q90T at 4k120hz HDR enabled with an RTX 3080.
Q90T e-manual showing VRR range https://imgur.com/a/4nwm56m
Many people have claimed that the Q90T's VRR range is only 40-60Hz, according to an outdated Samsung manual, I just thought I'd make a video showing it working beyond that. The VRR range is probably between 30 and 120 Hz based on my experience playing a few games.

The game is Shadow of the Tomb Raider in 4K with maxed DLSS RTX and Dolby Atmos settings. This looks amazing on this TV, please note this clip shows me taking a short video at an angle with my iPhone and does not represent the image quality in game, I will try to capture footage of gameplay if people are interested.

Specifications: i7-6700k EVGA 3080 XC Ultra

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