We need your help with the Container Home…

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We need your help with the Container Home...
We need your help with the Container Home…
We solve one problem at a time with the shipping container at home! Secure your privacy with Surfshark! Enter promo code TYLERANDTODD for 4 months EXTRA at https://surfshark.deals/TYLERANDTODD

If you missed the last few episodes, we decided to buy a cabin, move in and get cozy for the winter. It took 4 LONG years to build our house and it's time we start living again…with winter finally behind us, it's time to return to the shipping container house and finish what we have started !

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How did we get here?
It started with a year of full-time traveling, living in a van until the world changed and we had to adapt accordingly. With travel no longer an option but determined to stay productive, we transformed our compact mobile abode into a self-contained, off-grid dwelling that met all of our needs. Recognizing the uncertainty of today's small house, we quickly realized that a permanent residence was the wisest choice. Over the past three years, we have meticulously overseen all aspects of the project ourselves, planning construction while setting up the property off-grid to meet our future food needs. For the past two years we have lived in a geodesic dome, which has kept us comfortable (except during the winter months), while we realize our dream of a shipping container home. However, this will mark our 4th winter with stable electricity, running water or flushing toilets and the time has come to make a new plan for the future.

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