What is a tiling window manager? Linux for Beginners EP 2

HomeOther ContentWhat is a tiling window manager? Linux for Beginners EP 2
What is a tiling window manager? Linux for Beginners EP 2
What is a tiling window manager? Linux for Beginners EP 2
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In this video, we'll cover tiling window managers in our Linux environment. We are going to explain what a tiling window manager is. Why it's so amazing for productivity and why you should install one in your Linux setup. We also talk about the difference between display server protocols like Wayland and Xorg, and the pros and cons of each.

So buckle up, it’ll be fun!

0:00 – introduction
0:10 – driving a Volkswagen vs a Lambo
00:50 – welcome back to Linux for newcomers
1:40 – installing i3
1:50 – but wait, what is i3?
4:21 – xorg and wayland
5:31 p.m. – swinging, hyprland
6:40am – so let's install i3
9:43 a.m. – i3wm visit!
12:10 p.m. – let's finish this

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