What is cached data on my phone? Will I lose my files if I delete the cache?

HomeOther ContentWhat is cached data on my phone? Will I lose my files if I delete the cache?
What is cached data on my phone? Will I lose my files if I delete the cache?
What is cached data on my phone? Will I lose my files if I delete the cache?
I noticed that many people are googling the question "What is cached data on my phone/". In this video I will explain to you what cached data is and whether it is good to delete it or not. If you use the Internet or apps on your phone, you have definitely encountered cached data, whether you know it or not.

Here you will learn what is cached data, why it is advisable to clear cached data, how often to clear cached data, processes to clear cached data. Watch the full video.

00:00 Introduction
00:21 What is cached data?
01:12 Why is it advisable to clear cached data?
01:19 Disadvantages
01:29 How often should we clear cached data?
01:55 Processes for deleting cached data
02:11 Conclusion

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