What is Desktopwindowxamlsource in taskbar and how to remove it?

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What is Desktopwindowxamlsource in taskbar and how to remove it?
What is Desktopwindowxamlsource in taskbar and how to remove it?
What is Desktopwindowxamlsource in taskbar and how to remove it?

Command used:
%localappdata%//Microsoft//OneDrive//onedrive.exe /reset.

Some PC users reported noticing a blank window named DesktopWindowXamlSource in the Windows 11/10 taskbar and wondered what it was and how to remove it. This tutorial explains and offers suggestions on what affected PC users can do to fix this somewhat annoying anomaly on their system.

Have you ever noticed that empty DesktopWindowXamlSource window appears on your taskbar? This blank window keeps appearing on your taskbar and cannot go away. So, is there a way to remove this empty DesktopWindowXamlSource window?

Issues covered in this tutorial:
what is desktopwindowxamlsource
what is desktop window manager
what is Microsoft.windowsdesktop.app
what is desktop window xml source
what is windows 10 desktop window manager

Have you ever noticed a strange empty window on your Windows taskbar titled /"DesktopWindowXamlSource/"? If so, you may be wondering what it is and how to remove it. This window appears mysteriously on the taskbar and causes confusion.

The thing is not malicious and will not slow down your computer, but it will mess up your screen. So let's take a look at what DesktopWindowXamlSource is and how to safely remove it from your taskbar.

This tutorial will apply to computers, laptops, desktops, and tablets running Windows 10 and Windows 11 (Home, Pro, Enterprise, Education) operating systems from all supported hardware manufacturers, such as Dell, HP, Acer, Asus, Toshiba, Lenovo, Alienware, Razer, MSI, Huawei, Microsoft Surface and Samsung.

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