When to take profits on your Bitcoin

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When to take profits on your Bitcoin
When to Profit from Your Bitcoin
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In this video I discuss when is the best time to make profits on your Bitcoin, which is never. As Michael Saylor said: “Bitcoin trading is a sign of lesser intellect.”

Once you understand that Bitcoin is the hardest money the world has ever known…
Once you understand that fiat exits are closed…
Once you understand that Bitcoin is the only lifeboat…
Once you understand that you cannot outperform Bitcoin over the long term by holding or trading other assets, including other cryptocurrencies…

You will realize that only a fool would jump in and out of a lifeboat, after finding the lifeboat.

There is never a good time to "take profits" on your Bitcoin. In fact, the expression doesn't even make sense:

Taking profits by converting the best money the world has ever seen into a melting ice cube that you then have to immediately reinvest somewhere (hopefully not making a mistake and losing it all or becoming robust) in order to preserve its rapid dissipation. purchasing power.

In my opinion, the best time to sell your fiat currencies or other assets for Bitcoin was yesterday. The second best time is today.

If you wait too long, even your trading profits could end up stuck on an exchange or fiat bank. In this case, you will not have access to your weak money or Bitcoin either.

The investment choices you make today will have a huge impact on your family's finances, freedom and security for years to come. Choose Bitcoin.

No investment advice! Consult a financial advisor.

Michael Saylor on Bitcoin trading:

You are running out of time (Bitcoin):

I am not paid or otherwise compensated by any cryptocurrency company or project that I mention in my videos. My opinion is not for sale. Please do not contact me for affiliate or advertising offers.


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