Where to download Tower of Fantasy on PC

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Where to download Tower of Fantasy on PC
Where to download Tower of Fantasy on PC
Tower of Fantasy finally has its global launch this week. The game will be available on PC, iOS and Android. Players will be able to download the game from their respective app stores, but the process will be slightly different when launching on PC. Tower of Fantasy should launch on Steam and Epic Games, but not yet. According to the game's Steam and Epic Games page, Tower of Fantasy will debut on the platform sometime in the fourth quarter of 2022. That doesn't mean fans wanting to play Tower of Fantasy will have to wait until the end of the year. , However. Go to the official Tower of Fantasy website. Choose the PC version. Download the PC launcher of the game. Follow the setup process and enjoy Tower of Fantasy. Downloading Tower of Fantasy via its official website is the only way to play the title before it becomes available on Steam and the Epic Games Store. When Tower of Fantasy goes live on Steam and Epic Games, players will be able to add it to their library and re-download the game if they want to save their process on the digital video game distribution service they prefer. If it's been a while since your last PC upgrade, you may want to check the Tower of Fantasy system requirements to make sure your system is ready to embark on a new journey.

All data comes from the source: http://dotesports.com
Article link: https://dotesports.com/tower-of-fantasy/news/where-to-download-tower-of-fantasy-on-pc

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