Why Blocked Numbers Can Still Call You on Your Phone (Samsung)

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Why Blocked Numbers Can Still Call You on Your Phone (Samsung)
Why Blocked Numbers Can Still Call You on Your Phone (Samsung)
In this video today we will see why blocked numbers can still call you on your phone even if you have blocked them.

This video also answers some questions such as:
Why do blocked calls happen
Why do I always receive calls from blocked numbers?
How can a blocked number still call me Android
How can someone still call if they are blocked
Missed call notification from blocked number
How to stop a blocked number from calling

If blocked numbers still manage to call you on your Samsung device, let's see what to do. Go to /"settings/" here. Scroll down. Go to /"Applications/". Tap on these three dotted icons here. Select /"show system apps/" and we will scroll down. We will search for /"Storage of blocked numbers/". Open this one. Go to the drums here. Make sure to enable this option /"Allow background activity/". Go to optimize battery usage and here you will select All and here also you will look for blocked number storage.

and if this app is optimized for battery usage, once you turn that off, go back. Return. Go to this permission option and if you need to grant permission to this app then you need to grant permission. For me, I don't need to give permission, so we will return. We will again come back to these apps here and from there we will again look for another app which is Contacts. Let's go down.

Open this contacts app. Access this option to optimize battery usage. Go here and select all and here also we will look for the contacts app and if this contacts app is enabled for battery optimization then you need to disable it. Now here it is already disabled and I can't re-enable it. So make sure it stays disabled like this only. We will return. We will come back again. Let's go back and again, what we'll do is look for blocked contacts storage. Let's move on to storing blocked numbers. Select for Force Stop system and let's close it. Then you restart your phone and check next time whether the block number is able to call you back or not. The other thing you can do is to first delete the block number from your phone and then save the block number again and block it again. This means that we will contact each other now. Let's say this is the contact I blocked but if this contact still manages to call me, I'll open it. I'm going to tap on these three dotted icons here. Delete then delete the number. After that save the number again and then block the contact again on your phone and check whether it will work or not. The last thing is maybe there is a problem in the Android software version installed on your phone. So wait for a new update and if an update is available for your phone then update the phone. If you want to check, go to Settings. Go to this software update option. Go download and install. The phone will check for any updates. My phone is up to date. If your phone has an update waiting to update and check if it will be fixed. So I hope that after doing these things, your block number will no longer be able to call you.

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