Why I stopped teaching after 18 years – Some advice for teachers

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Why I stopped teaching after 18 years - Some advice for teachers
Why I stopped teaching after 18 years – Some advice for teachers
This is my story about quitting after 18 years of teaching and why it was one of the best decisions of my life. I also offer some advice to other teachers.

This is probably the 20th time I've tried to make this video. I'm not sure I'll ever find the right words, so I'll just post this one.

My point is, if you decide to quit, I think there are opportunities for you.

The article detailing my situation: https://splc.org/2021/02/nebraska-high-school-journalists-face-delays-self-censorship-after-newly-enforced-prior-review/

Here is the article referenced in the story: https://westsidewired.net/47721/opinion/editorial-district-66-superintendents-email-misrepresents-student-journalism/

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This video was produced by Jerred Z (It's me!). Becoming a photographer and photography teacher has been a transformative and positive aspect of my life, and I truly wish more people would experience the world the way I learned to do.

Every day is more beautiful, wherever I am, thanks to photography.

I would love for you to join me on my journey, so subscribe to my channel here and visit me on my website: https://jerredz.com/

Most of the photos you see me using are edited with Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop. I sometimes use my own custom presets, skies, and textures, and I give my best in my newsletter! To register and get free content, go here: https://jerredz.com/newsletter/

Thanks for stopping by!

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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jerredz/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/JerredZ

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