Why is the Facebook dating app NOT showing up? (4️⃣ Facebook dating app FIXES/SOLUTIONS to try!)

HomeOther ContentWhy is the Facebook dating app NOT showing up? (4️⃣ Facebook dating app FIXES/SOLUTIONS to try!)
Why is the Facebook dating app NOT showing up? (4️⃣ Facebook dating app FIXES/SOLUTIONS to try!)
Why is the Facebook dating app NOT showing up? (4️⃣ Facebook dating app FIXES/SOLUTIONS to try!)
Are you frustrated and wondering: "Why is the Facebook dating app not showing or working for me? Where is this Facebook dating app feature? ?? Are there any fixes or solutions to try to get this Facebook online dating app to work?/"If you are frustrated by your search and efforts, THIS VIDEO IS FOR YOU. In this video, Mario from Get Game Group provides an updated (JULY 2021) explanation of issues with the Facebook Dating app not showing up, shares eligibility requirements for the Facebook Dating app, solutions and fixes for Facebook Dating app not showing up, unanswered questions. about the Facebook Dating app which might explain why the Facebook Dating app is NOT showing up for you, and if you watch until the end of the video Mario explains an offer of help and support for those who will try all the Facebook Dating app fixes and solutions without success.

Get Game Group: Coaching for men and women
“Better strategies for life and love.”


Do you believe that life is a game? What about love?

I bet no one has ever asked you these questions, but… Do you believe that life and love are games? Games to PLAY?? Because I do.

And if you understand why I do it, continue to follow my example… it's beneficial!

Understand, Get Game Group promotes the UNCONVENTIONAL PERSPECTIVE:

“Life (and love) are games.”
(And ALL games have “better” strategies!!)

GGG helps students develop their awareness AND skills regarding the best action strategies (what we call “Game”) in order to qualify AND achieve the desired results in the games of Life and Love.

I offer you this help… NOW. But it's your choice.


BIG QUESTION… DO YOU CHOOSE to learn more about the help offered below?

“NO” – Cool. No worries, good luck!

“YES, I ACCEPT” – Alright…let’s do it.

STEP 1: Complete the /"3️⃣ Actions in 3️⃣ Minutes/"
STEP 2: Browse the rest of the resources below.

/"3️⃣ Actions in 3️⃣ Minutes/"

#1: Subscribe to The Game of Love YouTube channel AND press the (notification bell).

#2: TAKE 30 SECONDS to sign up for our GET GAME GROUP to receive weekly video lessons designed to help you improve your results in the games of life and love!

#3: Watch the PERSPECTIVE CHANGE video, “ANSWER: “Is life a game?” What about love??'”
️ – After watching this video, your belief and understanding that life and love are games will be the highest ever. (And a NECESSARY MINDHACK!)
: You can START this video in your 3 minutes. (It's about 20 minutes)

DO THESE THREE THINGS OVER THE NEXT THREE MINUTES…and you'll begin to unlock a new world of experiences and results.


1. ️ Become a PATREON MEMBER ️
Access a private library of responses to Monday Mailbag submissions. Exclusive content and benefits.

– For your romantic questions, your emergencies and your advice needs. As easy as texting a friend on your phone!! (But with better advice and better response time!)

3. ️“CRASH COURSE: Game”️
Created to keep GGG customers one step ahead when working with GGG, and NOW AVAILABLE TO THE PUBLIC!
– Online course giving YOU the crash course in gaming that your friends, family and society could never teach you! https://www.thegameoflove.us

– 15 FREE PREVIEW VIDEOS: YouTube Playlist “Crash Course: Game” https://www.youtube.com/playlist?listPLa_xLLFVGed-xfYum9Y5HNhVdNP_79l9R

4. Schedule a “Breaking Barriers” Phone Call
– Are you STUCK in your love life with disappointing results? Set up a phone call with Mario and get help to GET UNBLOCKED and identify a better action strategy so you can qualify AND deserve…the love life of your dreams. IT'S POSSIBLE.


YouTube (Subscribe AND hit the notification bell while you're here!)
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/getgamegroup
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/getgamegroup
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/getgamegroup

Get the Game Group Facebook group: http://www.facebook.com/groups/getgamegroup

For further questions, contact information or business purposes, please email us at [email protected] or fill out the contact form on our website at https://www.thegameoflove.us

#FacebookDating #FacebookDatingApp #FacebookOnlineDating

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