Why shouldn't I use the "Report Spam" or "Junk Email" button?

HomeOther ContentWhy shouldn't I use the "Report Spam" or "Junk Email" button?
Why shouldn't I use the "Report Spam" or "Junk Email" button?
Why shouldn't I use the "Report Spam" or "Spam Control" button?
️ The /"Report Spam/" and /"Junk/" buttons serve an important function in the war against spam. However, we should not use it inappropriately because it could do more harm than good.

Report spam or unsubscribe
Reporting a legitimate email as spam harms the publisher as well as others who actually want to receive the email. Only report real spam as spam and use unsubscribe options on legitimate emails. This means you have the responsibility to know the difference and know what you asked for.

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Watch next What should I do if websites bother me about notifications? https://youtu.be/PyGKHzzS3U0

0:00 Report spam button
0:12 Is there a right way to use it?
0:55 Spam reporting
1:05 Spam or unsubscribe
2:35 When “report as spam” is considered harmful
4:00 p.m. If you asked for this, it's not spam

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