Windows 10 and 8.1 Firewall – Block all or part of programs and services

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Windows 10 and 8.1 Firewall - Block all or part of programs and services
Windows 10 and 8.1 Firewall – Block all or part of programs and services
Windows 10 and 8.1 Firewall – Block all or part of programs and services

Sometimes we don't have a third-party software system that allows us to easily filter which programs we want to grant Internet/network access to. Windows provides a great firewall, it just requires a little extra work to configure what we want.

Here we show you how to use the firewall's advanced features to block all programs and services (so nothing gets in or out) and we also show you how to do it for individual programs.

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Transcription (machine-generated so it contains errors)

Hello again and welcome back in this video and I'm looking at what we're looking for is basically how to use Windows Firewall to block individual programs or maybe even block everything completely, okay, now this is very simple all you have to do is go there to windows firewall with advanced security and we do that we ask here and type firewall and it should appear click on it and you will get this we have created these 2K, we're just going to show you how to block a whole part in this one, first, okay and all you have to do is go to outgoing and incoming calls, you're fine, I am related, this is really the most important because it comes from your side, but the incoming call is also an extremely important cell and the outgoing rule, okay, just the new rule, ok and you can go for a program or a customization, in this case we will choose all programs outside of services just to make sure everything is applied to all programs and services, ok, so every service is locked down as well, ok, all products call all arrays, everything is locked, ok, if you want to exclude everything that's fine, you can do that now, ok, when I do this, ok and this connection is locked, that's the main thing we need to make sure everything is okay, maybe at a lower cost for all the different types of firewall settings you know. have your domain public private and your settings ok Given a name and anyone can lock everything ok your description of you want this to end and now this is enabled now consternation back I was able to go to Google everything was working fine let's try again at Seaford works as you can see in its endless time at the minute hand, by mistake to complete your web page and its unavailable hand to prove that all we need to do, just turn it off again, to always keep the rule, there is a credit problem, so activate deactivate ok Gary bring them back there I'm going it doesn't fall outgoing ok incoming ok we all blocked ok we did the same thing again but it sure you do it new rule ok program or custom ok all programs all services make you check just make sure one more time all products call all ports ok John rules out anything click on next, ok, pool, connection now stops whatever was coming in words per day, some programs are just waiting here in the background, listening, ok, maybe nothing comes out, but maybe the way to as things come in so you have to block incoming calls, block that connection, they choose again for all areas or any particular type of network again selling the name given on McKay or any other name that doesn't really have any 'importance. ok and this way basically all incoming connections are also locked ok will do tasks now delete this ok and will also show you let us fight ok now we have Crohn ok Google Chrome works here or any other program for example if you lock one arm you need to find what is the EXE file that is actually running now I'm just going to delete it if I were to activate it it wouldn't work but either start from the beginning so here's what what you need to do is open the task manager ok husband in a statement asking them thousands should respawn make sure the programs are working properly if you are really having problems unplug it and offer their a Wi-Fi Allied Garden wireless connection, then start the program and now you can see more here, ok this is the program you want to stop, ok we need to find where it is only with right click, then an open file location after looking at SNC x86 driver profiles, Google Chrome apps and it's this one, I guess all we need to do is go there back to our firewall ok again once ok outgoing rules you can do this for incoming rules also no rule ok this time with you a specific program then ok part of the program ok we have already come to life for this before I automatically reduce this location however in general when it started, it will be a totally different thing, so let's say C drive ok, I program x86, Google Chrome Chrome app opens it, ok, so we accept the program we want to lock, ok, next, ok , again choose the settings you wanted, ok given a name, ok, click Finish, now consumers can support Google…

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