Windows 11 PC computer not sleeping – keeps waking up – solved

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Windows 11 PC computer not sleeping – keeps waking up – solved
Windows 11 PC computer not sleeping – keeps waking up – solved
Windows 11 PC computer not sleeping – keeps waking up – solved

You put your computer to sleep when you leave your desk, but you want to keep your applications open. Sleep mode helps you save power and allow your computer to rest without turning it off. If you are wondering why your computer keeps waking up from sleep mode, there could be several reasons. Here's how to prevent your Windows 11 computer from waking up from sleep mode.

I have two computers in my office that, just like unhappy toddlers, don't sleep. I click the Sleep button, wait for all the fans to stop spinning, and find myself woken up by the blinding lights of my motherboard at 2am. If this sounds like a familiar story, here are some ways to diagnose the problem and keep your computer down for the night.

Issues covered in this tutorial:
the computer does not sleep
computer does not sleep Windows 11
the computer does not go to sleep automatically
computer in sleep mode does not wake up
computer does not go to sleep Windows 11
the computer does not go to sleep
my computer does not sleep Windows 11
my computer sleeps and won't wake up

This tutorial will apply to computers, laptops, desktops and tablets running Windows 11 operating system (Home, Pro, Enterprise, Education) from all supported hardware manufacturers, such as Dell, HP, Acer , Asus, Toshiba, Lenovo, Samsung and Huawei.

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