Windows 11 portable USB drive with Rufus and Windows To Go

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Windows 11 portable USB drive with Rufus and Windows To Go
Windows 11 portable USB drive with Rufus and Windows To Go
#Windows11 #Laptop #WindowsToGo #Rufus

Full steps can be found at

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What is Windows To Go?
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Windows To Go is a feature in Windows 10 Business and Windows 10 Education that allows the creation of a Windows To Go workspace that can be started from a USB-connected external drive on PCs. –

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– A USB key of at least 32 GB
– Windows 11 .iso installation media

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Install Windows 11 on USB
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01. Plug in the USB flash drive of 32 GB or more
02. Download Windows 11 iso
03. Download Rufus version 2.0 or later
04. Run the Rufux app
05. Select the target USB device (check the selection, all data on the USB device will be destroyed)
06. Click the Select button next to Disk or ISO Image Find and select the downloaded Windows 11 iso file
07. Select Windows To Go from the drop-down list of Image options.
08. Select MBR from the Partition Scheme drop-down list
09. Click the Start button to write the modified installation media to the target USB device
10. Wait for Rufus to write the files to the USB device
11. That's it! Boot to the USB device on any machine you want to run the Windows 11 portable environment

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