Windows can't find Explorer.exe, make sure you typed the name correctly [Solution]

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Windows can't find Explorer.exe, make sure you typed the name correctly [Solution]
Windows can't find Explorer.exe, make sure you typed the name correctly [Solution]
Windows can't find Explorer.exe, make sure you typed the name correctly [Solution]

Many users have reported this issue: When they click on the File Explorer icon present in the taskbar of their Windows 11/10 computer, they receive an error and cannot open File Explorer . Although there are many ways to open File Explorer in Windows 11/10 operating system, users receive the same error every time. The error message looks like this:

Explorer.EXE – Windows cannot find “. Make sure you entered the name correctly, then try again.

Issues covered in this tutorial:
Windows cannot find explorer.exe
Windows cannot find Explorer.exe server 2012
Windows cannot find null explorer.exe
Windows exe explorer cannot find specified path
Windows could not find explorer.exe
Windows 10 cannot find explorer.exe
Unable to access Explorer.exe Windows 11
Windows cannot find explorer.exe application error
Windows cannot find explorer.exe application
Windows cannot find explorer.exe on startup
Windows cannot find application explorer.exe not found
Windows cannot find Explorer.exe application error Windows 11
Windows cannot find exe explorer on a specified device
Windows cannot find explorer exe in a specified path explorer.exe
Windows cannot find exe explorer on the permissions of a specified device

This tutorial will apply to computers, laptops, desktops, and tablets running Windows 10 and Windows 11 (Home, Pro, Enterprise, Education) operating systems from all supported hardware manufacturers, such as Dell, HP, Acer, Asus, Toshiba, Lenovo, Alienware, Razer, MSI, Huawei, Microsoft Surface and Samsung.

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