Windows Firewall: blocking Internet access for an application (outgoing and incoming traffic)

HomeOther ContentWindows Firewall: blocking Internet access for an application (outgoing and incoming traffic)
Windows Firewall: blocking Internet access for an application (outgoing and incoming traffic)
Windows Firewall: blocking Internet access for an application (outgoing and incoming traffic)
Learn how to configure Windows Firewall to restrict Internet access for certain applications (that is, how to block their incoming and outgoing Internet traffic).

Why would you need it?
Blocking inbound traffic helps disable unwanted software updates, annoying ads, or save traffic.
Blocking outbound traffic can prevent leaks of confidential information. Blocking is also useful if you want to prevent your child from watching unwanted content or spending too much time playing online games.
We'll see how the firewall works in Windows 10, but this tip will also work in Windows 8 or 7.

0h00 – Introduction;
0:18 – Blocking outgoing traffic
0:44 – Launching the extended firewall interface
1:28 – Outgoing rules
3:05 p.m. – Private and public settings
3:46 – Rule name

Windows Firewall: Block Internet access, incoming and outgoing traffic: the-Internet. htm

In one of the previous videos I already showed you how to open Control Panel. You will find the link in the description:

On our channel you can find a detailed video on how to configure, enable or disable Windows 10 Firewall. You will find the link in the description:

That's all for the moment. If you found this video helpful, click the like button below and subscribe to our channel to see more. Thank you for watching. Good luck.

Other videos: #WindowsFirewall, #TrafficBlocking, #InternetAccess, #InstructionBlocking, #InboundTraffic, #Windows10.

Playlist: Windows 10 Tune & Tune: Restore Points, Password Reset, Backup, Defragmentation, Compatibility Mode –

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