Wirelessly stream GoPro Hero 7/8/9 to OBS Studio, VLC, computers, etc.

HomeOther ContentWirelessly stream GoPro Hero 7/8/9 to OBS Studio, VLC, computers, etc.
Wirelessly stream GoPro Hero 7/8/9 to OBS Studio, VLC, computers, etc.
Wirelessly stream GoPro Hero 7/8/9 to OBS Studio, VLC, computers, etc.
Why use a capture card when you can wirelessly stream your GoPro Hero 7/8 to your computer using an RTMP server. MonaServer is a FREE open source program that creates an RTMP service that your GoPro can connect to and stream live video. Even if there is a little delay in the images arriving, there are many possibilities available to us.

If you receive an error message that your rtmp address is incorrect, add "/live" to the end of the address. (Without quotes)

You can also try just adding the "/" to the end of your rtmp address if you get an invalid address error. (Without quotes)

If you are having problems connecting to MonaServer, your firewall (Windows Defender or alternative) may be blocking MonaServer from accessing port 1935 on your computer. (See below for details)

If VLC video source is not available in OBS, you can try adding media source. In the media source settings, uncheck the box /"Local file/" and in the Input section, add your RTMP address there. I haven't actually used this option, so I can't speak more about the other settings. I heard that using the Media Source option can help you if you are having freezing issues with the VLC option.

If you're having trouble connecting to your computer and using an iPhone, go to your iPhone's settings and find the GoPro app settings. Make sure /“Local Network/” is turned on so your phone can search for your computer.

Download MonaServer HERE:

Are you using a MAC? Watch this video for Mac software:

Download VLC HERE:

And don’t hesitate to buy me a beer!
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Another user, shooflypieordie, posted this and you might find it useful. Basically it says that your firewall (Windows Defender, etc.) may be blocking MonaServer from accessing port 1935 on your computer.

1) MonaServer probably needs to be given permission to communicate over PUBLIC networks rather than just private ones. If you don't do this, your GoPro won't be able to stream to that port if you're using public Wi-Fi.

2) I had to make sure port 1935 was open and not blocked by Windows Defender or other antivirus.

3) Although probably not necessary, I ended up specifying my rtmp server as /"rtmp://YOUR_IP_ADDRESS:1935/", which seemed more stable than leaving the port at the end.

Please take the opportunity to connect and share this video with your friends and family if you find it useful.

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