Workaround: “Network path not found”: Client connection to domain controller.

HomeOther ContentWorkaround: “Network path not found”: Client connection to domain controller.
Workaround: “Network path not found”: Client connection to domain controller.
Workaround: “Network path not found”: Client connection to domain controller.
I have seen many administrators connecting clients to domain controllers without seeing which services are responsible for connecting the Windows client to the domain controller.

In this video I found 2 services responsible for connecting client to server and they were /"TCP/IP NetBIOS helper and Netlogon/". I recommend you try to connect the client after disabling the /"Netlogon/" service and letting the /"lmhosts/" service running, you will encounter an error apart from the error shown in this video (the path network cannot be found), it would be something like this, error /"Username and password/". Once you encounter this error, you will have 2 workarounds for the same problem. If you encounter any of these errors, you will be able to resolve the issue in no time.

I would have shown this error in this video if it hadn't been hacked. I am 100% sure you will be able to see this error message, try it, you will succeed, because you are not working on a compromised laptop. I think so.

A quick summary: – In a nutshell, disable netlogon and run the lmhosts service (TCP/IP NetBIOS helper). Very simple to understand.

Note: – I have completely disabled /"RemoteRegistry/" service while connecting Windows 7 client to Windows Server 2008 R2, domain controller. Some IT people believe that the infamous /"RemoteRegistry/" service is also required to connect the client to the domain controller, but this is not true. Try it and let me know.

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